Our School

Foundation Board

The Foundation’s Board is responsible for the governance of the Benjamin Franklin International School, including its fiduciary oversight, policy and the long-range strategic planning needed to ensure the school’s continued success.


The Benjamin Franklin Foundation was created in 1986, under the Spanish Ley de Fundaciones, as a not-for-profit, educational foundation. The Foundation’s corporate charter and bylaws provide the operational framework that ensures our school’s character and mission remain safeguarded and perpetuated. Our bylaws are registered with the Protectorado y Registro de Fundaciones de Catalunya and are available upon request. The Board includes up to ten volunteer members chosen to create a mix and balance of backgrounds, skills, and perspectives.

BFIS Foundation Board President

Each member may serve a 3-year term, with a maximum of 3 consecutive terms. The Foundation Board follows a self-perpetuating governance model, acknowledged as best-practice for independent schools by the European Council of Independent Schools (ECIS) and the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). It is the governance model at over 90% of US independent, non-profit schools.  Our bylaws require that seven of our ten Board members be U.S. citizens, including the Foundation Board President. The process of recruiting volunteers for Board membership is ongoing.

 It has always been felt that having a parental perspective is very important, so trustees are selected primarily from our parent community. One of the ways to begin to participate in the process is by volunteering on committees.

Facilities Committee

This committee develops the master plan for the school´s buildings and grounds with school staff and outside consultants for Board approval. It may also monitor implementation of facilities plans. It reports to the Board periodically on major plant and campus issues and keeps the Finance Committee informed of buildings and grounds needs. Sometimes, the committee provides broad oversight of major building projects, but it does not act as project manager. The committee does not get involved in day-to-day operations, but it is attentive to the deferred maintenance needs of the facilities. Its members can include parents, others with expertise in construction and allied fields, and students.

Finance Committee

This committee is involved with the following functions: Finances: In concert with the Head of School and the Director of Finance and Operations (DFO), this committee develops long-range financial plans and the school’s annual budgets, including setting levels for school fees, for Board approval. It monitors the implementation of the budget, making periodic reports to the Board on the school´s financial status and educating the Board on trends affecting the school’s finances. Membership may include outside experts on finance and financial planning. Investments: The committee develops and recommends to the Board policies that delineate how the school will invest its financial resources; it sets and monitors investment objectives. Annual Audit: The finance committee ensures that an internal audit is conducted each year by an independent auditor, for Board review and approval. This is a requirement of the local Protectorat (body that oversees Foundations in Catalunya).

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee oversees all matters related to the organization and functioning of the Foundation Board including the selection of Board and Board Committee members. It ensures that the Foundation is, always, in compliance with current legislation and follows best practices in independent school governance.