Written by Michelle Schuler,
Individuals and Societies Teacher
IBDP History Teacher
MYP Coordinator
BFIS is currently in a MYP roll-out process with current emphasis on assessment as a main point of change. The MYP places less emphasis on exams compared to other national curriculums, employing a diverse range of assessment methods such as increased internal assessments and project work. Initially, the assessment structure of the MYP may seem intricate and perplexing, but it proves to be better suited for 21st-century students compared to traditional exam systems. The assessment guidelines and rubrics in the Middle Years Program (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate (IB) offer positive benefits to our community such as greater transparency, feedback for growth, as well as an emphasis on transversal skills.
Standardized Expectations
The MYP rubrics offer a clear line of communication to the community in terms of internationally recognized and standardized expectations and objectives for students. The rubrics ensure that all students are assessed using the same criteria, promoting fairness and equity in the grading process. Because the rubrics are criterion-referenced, meaning that they are set with predetermined criteria, it means students are evaluated against the rubric rather than their peers. Moreover, these criteria are aligned with educational objectives and reflect the MYP’s emphasis on holistic learning, approaches to learning, and conceptual understanding – key elements of a strong international education.
MYP assigns four (4) criteria to each subject. Criteria are assessed using an MYP 0-8 point rubric. The Assessment Criteria for all eight subject areas are listed below.
Subjects | Criterion A | Criterion B | Criterion C | Criterion D |
Language & Literature | Analyzing | Organizing | Producing text | Using language |
Language Acquisition | Listening | Reading | Speaking | Writing |
Individuals and Societies (I&S) | Knowing and Understanding | Investigating | Communicating | Thinking critically |
Sciences | Knowing and Understanding | Inquiring and designing | Processing and evaluating | Reflecting on the impacts of science |
Mathematics | Knowing and Understanding | Investigating patterns | Communicating | Applying mathematics in real-world contexts |
The Arts | Investigating | Developing | Creating/Performing | Evaluating |
Physical & Health Education | Knowing and Understanding | Planning for performance | Applying and performing | Reflecting and improving performance |
Design | Inquiring and analyzing | Developing ideas | Creating the solution | Evaluating |
Community project | Investigating | Planning | Taking action | Reflecting |
Personal project | Planning | Applying skills | Reflecting | |
Interdisciplinary | Evaluating | Synthesizing | Reflecting |
Each criterion is given a punctuation from 0-8. Each class has a total of 32 points which can be converted to a 1-7 scale that appears on the semester reports.
Subject: Language and Literature
Criterion A: 5/8
Criterion B: 6/8
Criterion C: 5/8
Criterion D: 4/8
Total points: 20
Final Grade: 5
Specific Feedback
Assessment in the MYP also allows for more specific feedback based on the various descriptors within each criterion. The use of rubrics allows for self-assessment, peer assessment, and ongoing detailed and constructive feedback and reflection for student growth. It emphasizes the process of learning and reflecting to grow and improve. Because teachers use a “best-fit” approach (also used in the IB Diploma Program) and they do not average students’ grades, it highlights the importance of development over time. Furthermore, the 0-8 system also allows for various levels of success and specific measurements of growth, rather than 60 forms of failure in the 0-100 system.
Student Agency and Skills Development
Ultimately, the MYP assessment system allows for greater student agency and supports students’ transversal skills, referred to as the Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills in the IB. The integration of the ATLs in assessments often allows for more diverse forms of assessment, which supports learning and student performance in a variety of ways. In most subjects, three of the four criteria are tied to a specific skill. This stresses the significance of how students learn and develop subject-specific and transferable skills over time. By focusing on skills development, students are more well-prepared for the IB Diploma Program and beyond.
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