BFIS Starts Partnership with Global Online Academy (GOA)

The World and subsequently the World of learning is fast-paced. In response, we are constantly upgrading our face-to-face courses and incorporating exciting changes within the MYP framework next year.

Emerging disciplines

IB Diploma remains our rigorous culminating academic program. However, while our fundamentals are just as important as ever, at the High school level, there are many emerging disciplines and passions for students to explore and learn about that our staff won’t always have the expertise to teach. 

That’s why we are very pleased to announce that we are partnering with Global Online Academy (GOA), a non-profit organization made up of an international consortium of schools that can provide passion-based, high-quality, asynchronous online learning experiences for 9th and 10th grade students and educators. You can browse their course catalog of over 60 semester and yearlong offerings.

Photo by Giovanni Gagliardi 

Our regular face-to-face elective opportunities will not change. A student could still sign up for electives as normal and not take a GOA online class at all. 

If you want to learn more about what possibilities this opens up for your child now and in the future we encourage you to take a moment to visit the GOA website to learn about the eight learning pathways and Pathway Certification and review their Frequently Asked Questions. 


BFIS GOA Site Director

BFIS GOA Site Director will be our Differentiation and Enrichment Coordinator once elective opportunities are released. The Differentiation and Enrichment Coordinator will offer support and guidance to every student who enrols in a GOA course. She will coordinate enrollments, have answers to any school-specific policy questions, and will collaborate with your GOA teachers and our organization to ensure a quality learning experience.

This is merely an introduction to an exciting development in the opportunities available for our High Schools students that will complement our current offerings. 

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