Iberia League Volleybal Tournament

On March 24th and 25th, Benjamin Franklin International School hosted the Iberia League Volleyball Tournament. The tournamente was attended by 12 teams from 5 schools. BFIS was represented by more than 40 students on three teams:

The Middle School Girls Team
The High School Girls Team and
The High School Boys Team.

The High School Girls Team came in Third Place, with the other teams both coming in 4th in their categories. BFIS won the Iberia Spirit Award, given to the participating school who shows the best sportsmanship. The team captains received the award on behalf of BFIS. Congratulations to everyone who participated and thanks to all the families who came to cheer on the BFIS Dragons! 

Stay tuned! Iberia League MS Soccer and Basketball Tournament coming up in May! 

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