Written by BFIS Staff
This week (February 27th – March 3rd) is Kindness Week at BFIS and on Wednesday, March 1st, we will have our Pink Shirt Day.
Being kind every day is incredibly important, not only for the people around us but also for our own well-being. Kindness builds connections with other people and leads to stronger relationships, it increases our serotonin levels, boosting our mood and improving our mental health.
Kindness is contagious and it makes the world a better place. Let’s make kindness our superpower. One small act can make a great difference in the life of others.
Today our diversity is becoming more visible than ever as people continue to embrace their cultures, identities, and true selves in more open and direct ways; making the need to Be Kind & Lift Each Other Up and have greater acceptance, respect, and inclusion for everyone so important.
Pink Shirt Day
The Pink Shirt has become an anti bullying symbol around the world. Why a Pink Shirt? In 2007, in Canada, a boy came to the first day of 9th grade wearing a pink polo shirt. Other students bullied and harassed him for this choice. Two boys saw this happening and decided they needed to do something about it. They went out that night, bought 50 pink shirts, emailed all their friends and encouraged them to stand up to bullies and wear pink to school the next day. They called it the Sea of Pink. When the bullies saw this, they realized their behaviors were not acceptable in that community and the bullying stopped. This act started a movement. In recognition of these events the Canadian government declared February as an anti-bullying month. Since then countries around the world including Australia, the USA, France, the UK, the UN, Lebanon and others celebrate an anti-bullying day by wearing pink.
It is not only about wearing Pink. During these weeks the MSHS and Elementary are running a variety of age appropriate activities about kindness, acceptance and lifting each other up throughout the school day.