Our Community

School-Home Partnership

Working together

Children learn best when the adults in their lives -parents, teachers, and other community members- work together to encourage and support them. Effective parent and family engagement in education is more than just participation in school meetings and helping with fundraising, it is actively engaging with your child’s learning, both at home and at school. When schools and families work together, children improve both learning and behavior.

Portfolio Day Elementary School


At BFIS we encourage all our families to make a difference in their children’s learning by getting actively involved in their education. This is a principle that guides how our school should be organized and how children should be taught. To do that BFIS has created different forms and tools of communication and partnership with parents. 

Resources for parents

As a parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. In our news section we offer a variety of articles related to education and living in Barcelona. Please check our News Section