Health Center
BFIS Health Center provides medical, wellness, and support services to students year-round, enhancing the quality of life for students — both in and outside of the classroom. An emphasis is placed on prevention and early intervention.
Primary care at its best
Our mission is to maintain a high standard of health at our school and to provide sound primary care for children and teachers while ensuring that proper health and medical emergency protocol are followed on campus.
Health Center Services
- Care for students with special health care needs
- Administration of medication
- Managing emergencies
- Head lice control
- Health screening programs
- Verification of immunizations
- Infectious disease reports
- Referrals
- Nutrition and Food Allergies
- Acting as a resource for faculty, parents
At BFIS we have a Vaccination / Immunization policy. Please contact the school nurse if you have further questions.
There are a number of contagious diseases that can, unfortunately, find a happy home on any school campus. We each need to do our part to make sure that the incidences of these illnesses are minimal and kept under control. In order to maintain a healthy school environment, any child showing symptoms of the following conditions must remain home until they are symptom free. This required isolation period is considered an excused absence from school. You can find more information below on some of the more common culprits.
We will alert the general BFIS community about any incidence of these illnesses as they occur.
Please note: Any student or staff member with a fever or exhibiting other flu-like symptoms must remain at home until at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever or signs of flu without the use of fever-reducing medicine.
What are Lice?
Lice are insects of about 2 mm of size and that feeds on blood. They live between 16 to 30 days and they tend to be found on the hair of humans and/or animals. They spread really quickly due to their eggs, which are normally found along the hair, while the nits are normally found at the base of the hair. Adult lice can be found moving around the hair. Lice and their eggs, unlike dandruff, present resistance when trying to comb them out of the hair with a special comb or with the fingers.
How can I know if my child has lice?
First symptom is a persistent itchiness of the scalp, which is caused by the saliva of the insect when they bite. They are normally based behind the ears and the back of the neck. Adult lice can be hard to see as they hide from light.
How do they spread?
They spread quickly as long as the lice are alive. They don’t jump or fly. They spread by getting in touch from one head to another, that is why they spread faster in schools while playing and or sharing caps/combs/towels, etc.
What can be done if my child has lice?
It is important to check your children at home and any other siblings.
You can read more about it through the Salud Publica de Barcelona panflet or at the medline website.
The administration of prescription or over-the-counter medication by school personnel to students in school shall be done only with written authorization and direction of a licensed medical or osteopathic physician or dentist.
A Medication Administration Form must be filled out, signed by parents, and provided to the school nurse together with the Doctor’s signed prescription. Prescription medication must be in the original container with the pharmacy label attached. Over-the-counter medication must also be in the original container.
Parents should bring their child’s medication to the school nurse or have it delivered by the pharmacy. If the medication is sent with your child, please call the school nurse or send her an email to notify her of the amount you are sending.
Students are only allowed to take medication in school when it is administered to them by the school nurse. Exceptions will be made to students with asthma to carry an inhaler or MS/HS students with life threatening allergies to carry their medication when a written permission request is received by the school.
Prescriptions are only good for the current school year. No medication will be kept at school through the summer months. Any medication left will be discarded.
Most children with food allergies are happy and attend school safely every day. That safety and happiness is the result of careful planning and communication. A key to success is to work cooperatively with the school to form a partnership that will support your child along the way.By working with school personnel, other parents and your physician, you can make sure your child has a safe and rewarding experience. At BFIS we have a Food Allergy Management and Prevention Plan (FAMPP) we strictly follow. It is important that new families with children with food allergies meet with the BFIS nurse before school starts.
Here below you will find the School Nurse Protocol.