Laura Blair, an American expatriate residing in Spain for several years alongside her Catalan husband and their two children, is a dedicated educator and passionate advocate for language and culture. Laura’s educational journey is a testament to her commitment to both her students and her own professional growth.
Her academic journey began with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish Literature and Mass Communications, where she specialized in Public Relations and Journalism. Laura’s career initially led her to the bustling world of Public Relations and Marketing in New York City, where she honed her communication skills. However, her passion for education and language drove her to pursue a Master of Arts degree in Foreign Language Education (Spanish and English) at New York University, where she earned certification for teaching grades K-12.
Laura embarked on her teaching career in the heart of New York City, where she taught Spanish as an additional language (SAL) within the public school system. In 2007, her journey took her across the Atlantic to Barcelona, where she expanded her expertise by earning a second Master’s degree at the University of Barcelona, specializing in The Teaching of Language and Literature. During this time, she simultaneously taught English as an additional language at an international school in Sant Cugat, showcasing her dedication to fostering multilingualism.
Notably, Laura began her doctoral studies at the University of Barcelona, focusing on the intricate dynamics of teachers’ lives and the profound impact of language transfer on their teaching methodologies and philosophies. This pursuit of deeper understanding exemplifies her unwavering commitment to the field of education.
In 2011, Laura found her professional home at BFIS (Benjamin Franklin International School), where she has been teaching Spanish as an additional language to students in grades 6-10 and IB Spanish B to students in grades 11-12. Her infectious enthusiasm for language and culture has inspired countless students over the years. Laura firmly believes that the joy of learning a new language is the key to fostering a genuine connection with and appreciation for the culture it represents. Her ultimate goal is to plant the seed of lifelong language learning in her students’ hearts.
Laura’s dedication and leadership qualities did not go unnoticed. In 2019, she was appointed as BFIS’s IB Coordinator, taking on a role that required her to demonstrate enthusiastic and effective leadership while overseeing the administrative functions of the IB Diploma Program. In this capacity, she collaborates closely with BFIS leadership to support the educational development of students and staff, and she actively engages in promoting awareness of the program within the parent and community spheres.
In summary, Laura Blair’s journey from New York to Barcelona is a testament to her unwavering passion for education, languages, and cultures. Her dedication to teaching and research, combined with her leadership role as IB Coordinator at BFIS, embodies her commitment to nurturing the growth of students and fostering a lifelong love for language learning within the school community.