School Life

Experiential Learning

At BFIS, experiential learning fosters and develops curiosity, responsibility, grit, self-reliance, and a sense of community. It is an incredible opportunity for students to encounter new learning adventures and explore new things in authentic settings. Our experiential learning is purposefully designed to provide a meaningful and personal learning experience for our students and these experiences are increasingly being embedded within our curriculum and are being applied through all grade levels, subject areas, and service and action projects.  We are enhancing students’ environment so they can learn by doing and through opportunities to observe and interact with the local and natural environment and the world of work. 

outdoor learning zoo elementary school
Experiential Learning

Global Citizenship and Service Learning

Beyond readiness for college and employability in the future, we aspire to facilitate experiences that mean that young people are positive change agents. We nurture a spirit of empathy founded in social responsibility and empower students to believe that they can make the world a better place. Student clubs go beyond the requirements of the IB Diploma program as we strive to ensure that all students are involved in action projects through their learning. 

Experiential Learning

The world of work and higher education

Students enrolled in our High School will have the opportunity to work alongside the likes of  practicing research scientists, aerospace engineers, technology entrepreneurs  and other adults linked to our community who are able to invite students to their places of work to see behind the curtain of their chosen profession  in one and two week internship experiences.  From Elementary through Middle School we are committed to developing opportunities that allow students to be curious about, and explore on the ground the world of work and higher education. We sow the seeds of partnerships that allow even our youngest students a window into the experiences of the world of work. 

Experiential Learning

Forest School

Forest School is an exciting opportunity that we are developing initially for our younger children that will extend to upper grades in the near future.

This Forest School programme is tailored to meet the needs of individuals within each group and is continuously developed as the children/young people grow in confidence, skills and understanding. The ethos of Forest Schools allows learners the time and space to develop skills, interests and understanding through practical, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. It is a child-led approach whereby the practitioners will work with the children to build on experiences they are interested in. 

Experiential Learning

Outdoor Learning

From Forest School with our Elementary and Early Childhood students, to developing outdoor Learning in Middle and High School, we have been increasingly focused on the opportunities for what students can know and do when surrounded by nature and the mindfulness and problem solving it nurtures. Through teamwork and fail forward experiences we strive to nurture students’ self-esteem and enhance their confidence to find collaborative solutions to problems faced personally, locally and globally. Outdoor Learning programs solidify students’ connection with self, with others and the world around them. With the addition of our outdoor learning teacher this is a growing and strategic area for us at BFIS.

Barcelona Local Field Trips

It is difficult to imagine a school location more perfect for enhancing student experiences that cultivate their creativity, collaboration and innovation than Barcelona. From architecture to science, great thinkers and scholars whose expertise spans different subject areas and draws upon complex bodies of knowledge were drawn to and left their mark on Barcelona. The city continues to attract and influence great thinkers today. From the local Science museum Cosmo Caixa  to contemporary art museums like Momo Museum, as well as countless world renowned and revered architectural buildings we have on our doorstep world class provocations to stimulate and catalyze our students' thinking. We organize visits to art, history, and science museums; to theaters and to the music auditorium. Students are involved in field learning in nearby towns and villages that allow students to learn and understand the Spanish and Catalan culture and history. Barcelona is a city where our school benefits from many scientific, cultural, technological, or artistic events that take place throughout the year. Bringing International students close to these experiences is a short walk, short bus or tram ride away. 

International Field Trips

As an international school BFIS believes it is important for our students to have meaningful and authentic experiences abroad and this is tied to our curriculum. Our central location makes traveling to other countries in Europe possible. Students who travel become more culturally competent, aware of global issues and develop new perspectives.  Our students have undertaken community service via Habitat for Humanity trips to Ghana, Senegal, Nepal and Thailand and have traveled to different cities and countries to participate in competitions such as Model United Nations, International Math Competitions, International History Bowl and Bee and as part of the World Languages, Science and  Arts Curriculum. 

Overnight Field Trips

Annual whole grade level trips expand student experiences beyond the classroom and are an important part of developing IB learner attributes as students push themselves outside of their comfort zone and engage in exciting activities like mountain biking, kayaking, climbing, sailing, swimming with tuna and other outdoor activities and challenges.  Annual overnight field trips for our Kindergarten  aged students right through to our graduating High School class give learners the opportunity to establish new friendship bonds at the beginning of the school year, allow teachers to get to know students  outside of the classroom and for them to build self esteem and grit and resilience. 


Vacation Camps and Trips

Our school organizes a variety of opportunities to extend student learning into the vacation. Our watersports camp, science camp and annual ski trip are a  few of the opportunities in our expanding offerings.